Wednesday, August 18, 2010

So thankful............

Just got home from an amazing Bible Study.....Jesus gives us what we need in ways that we least expect.  I am so taken back by the amazing women at Circleville First Church.... and the awesome way God meets us on Wednesday nights... it's comforting for me to know that EVERY tear I have cried..........HE holds in his hand.......THANK YOU JESUS........

Saturday, August 14, 2010

What a week.......

My goodness, at times I don't even know where to start........ at times I just wanted to week to be over, and other times, I wish could just pause time and hold on to the moment.  Most of you know that my friends daughter Sydney Tackett passed away Tuesday morning, and if you know me at all, I have NO STRENGTH in times like those.  But I can really start telling you about the doom and gloom of losing someone I loved so much, or I can tell you about the AMAZING CELEBRATION OF LIFE SERVICE I was able to be part of.  Sydney's funeral was closed casket with the exception of family, she looked beautiful......nothing like the Sydney we had seen at Riverside on Tuesday morning.  She truly still radiated true beauty.... I watched my friends Matt and Michelle as they prepared to say a permanent goodbye to their precious little girl, but was I in for such a big surprise!  Sydney's ENTIRE service revolved around the fact that we are going to see her again, and the precious ways she had touched so many lives.  There was no way I could shed tears of sorrow... because she captivated all that was pure, and wonderful.  It has been a blessing to me to just be considered part of this family...... and I know I posted on Facebook, that it's easy to know why Sydney was so amazing, once you met the families who raised her... The Conleys, Strouths, and have so much to be proud of!

My friend Michelle was a rock.  You know how you meet someone, and you connect......but there is part of you that still looks for some kind of flaw....something that will help you know that you should still be cautious.... She was the epitome of a woman of faith this week.  She was a pillar of strength, a grieving mother, she had her mommy arms that needed to comfort 3 other babies, she planned a funeral with some "roadblocks".....and above all........she had PRAISES to JESUS on her lips.... she had a peace about her baby girl that surpassed my human mind.  I am thankful for my relationship with Michelle.  I am a better person, because she is in my life.

Moments that I wanted to stand still..... all the encouraging texts, and well wishes...I have never been so "checked on" in my adult life.  I am so thankful for our Circleville First Church Family!  The ladies who sent messages, watched our kids, *bought Jay's planning lesson book that we forgot about*, please know every text......every message meant the world.....I appreciate you all so much.

Another moment I wished I could just push the pause button, was when I got to hold a precious new miracle one of our church families was blessed with.  Mommy had a C-section earlier in the morning, and I couldn't wait to get off work and to the hospital to meet that little guy!  Michelle had sent me a verse earlier that day, that said the Lord giveth, and the Lord taketh was so bittersweet to be celebrating the end of a life of one of my friends children, and be celebrating a new life with  another friend......but while I held that precious baby... everything else just drifted away....the last part of Michelle's message said "PRAISE THE LORD".  I had the opportunity to pray with mommy and baby, and in my heart I truly was praising him.

I have so many jumbled thoughts in my head and on my heart that I could continue to ramble forever, but my thought for you this week is this....... how many amazing people and relationships have YOU missed out on because YOU were waiting to see the flaw in someone?  You were waiting for the moment that you could keep that wall built high!  Or YOU missed out because someone else told you about another person's flaws...... I firmly believe sometimes we build walls... to see who is willing to stick around long enough to tear them down.....  what are your thoughts?

Saturday, August 7, 2010

The Heart of A Woman

I am not sure about you all but there are so many people surrounding me that can use a touch from the Lord right now.......I have so many friends who are hurting, seeking, and waiting on Him.....  Here are just a few request:

Sydney Tackett:  Sydney is my friend Michelle's daughter who had a tumor like mass removed from her brain yesterday.  Please remember Sydney and Michelle.  Sydney hasn't woken from surgery yet today. UPDATE:  Sydney passed away on Tuesday.  Her services were concluded today however continue to remember this family in prayer as they adjust to life without Sydney.....

Renea Harris- pray for her unsaved husband

Betty Howard- needs prayer for an unsaved husband with medical issues.

Averi- please pray that God touches her little body, and heals her from all her pains.  Pray that God uses her to prove to every physician and therapist that HE still performs miracles!

Our Children- as they prepare to go back to school.  Pray for them to adjust quickly and to reacclimate to a schedule quickly

Hope you have been enjoying your weekend!  Please feel free to add requests to this running post, and please be sure to lift each request....

Isaiah 41:10

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Give Me Jesus

I have been hearing this song alot lately, I posted it on my Facebook page, if you haven't heard it go is amazing......this song speaks volumes to where I am.........enjoy

Give Me Jesus by Jeremy Camp

In the morning, when I rise

In the morning, when I rise
In the morning, when I rise

Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus.
You can have all this world,
Just give me Jesus.

When I am alone,
When I am alone,
When I am alone,

Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus.
You can have all this world,
Just give me Jesus.

When I come to die,
When I come to die,
When I come to die,

Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus.
You can have all this world,
Just give me Jesus.

Give me Jesus.
Give me Jesus,
Give me Jesus.

You can have all this world,
You can have all this world,
You can have all this world,
Just give me Jesus.


Well..I'm not sure why I have started to blog....I'm not even sure what I hope to accomplish.  I just know that there are times when I just need to lay it out there...and hear what my sisters have to say, the insight that they may be able to share.  So here we go....  I hope you like it......and I hope you feel free to share with whoever decides to log on's opinions and thoughts.......  So maybe I should start with telling you a little about me....

I am the mother of two amazing children, Terra Lynn who is turning 8, and Bradley Jeremiah who will turn 5 in September.  My husband is the Pastor of Young Adult Minstries at Circleville First Church, and he also teaches Bible to 5th -8th grades at New Hope Christian School.  Both our kids attend Ross County Christian Academy.  I can say there are alot of things in my past that I am not really proud of.......and there are alot of decisions I wish I hadn't made.  But I can also tell you that by the Grace of God, I am forgiven.  I haven't published my past, but I am accountable for it and to it.  I believe that everything can be used for God's glory, and when asked, I answer questions, but I never give my past priority.  I can tell you that just because my husband is a Pastor doesn't mean I've always been a good person, the best mom, or the best wife.  But I can tell you that I live my life everyday now to be!  I still fail and fall short sometimes, but I just pick myself up and give it my best......AGAIN! =)

The past two weeks have been a horrible struggle for me.... most of you know my friend Michelle Conley, and the fact that her daughter is having a tumor like mass removed from her brain on Friday morning.  I have to tell you, I am struggling...I am hurting.... Our families are very close and this feels like one of my children are having this surgery.  I feel selfish at night when I kiss my babies good night cause I know that, there is nothing jeapordizing how many nights I have to kiss them. I pray that God can use me, but I am struggling each day a little more just to be able to hold it together!  Please pray for Michelle, and Matt, and pray for Sydney, pray for her siblings Jordan, Elijah and Neveah. I never dreamed and you could have never convinced me I would have the friendship that I have with her with anyone.....I am so blessed..

God blessed me with having the friendship of my best college friend Charity back when we came to minister at First Church.  Charity has one austic daughter and a younger son.  I never dreamed that one of my friends would be the parent who doesn't get to do alot of the "activities" typical parents would because they have a child with special needs.  As often as my heart breaks for her, my entire being is challenged by her.  I want to be the mom, that puts my babies first no matter how much I wanna do something else.... I wanna be the woman who is excited to bring my kids no matter what they may do to church and be ready to worship!  I wanna believe in my kids the way she does her little Grace.  I wanna be the kind of wife that stands by my marriage when everyone else questions why........I wanna be the kind of friend to her I should have been all those years ago... I've learned enough that you rarely get the same opportunity twice... but I am thankful God brought us back together....for a second go round!

I had the opportunity to go to Nipgen Jr. Camp with 7 of the girls from First Church one being my daughter as they camped at Nipgen this week. On Monday night, I sat in the back of the tabernacle and was overcome with emotion as I watched those girls lead a worship song in front of the camp.  I was so happy for my daughter to have young ladies to be with this week, and I was thankful for each of the families those little girls came from.  Watching them serve through music at the ages of 7-11, and serve together was such an answered prayer to me.

Finally I leave you with this...what is it that satan tries to use to defeat you?  When we were at the church in Richmond Dale, I felt as though I could do nothing right......that I was under constant I just quit trying.  Then when we came to First Church I was given a Women's Bible Study to lead.....again, satan tries to convince me that I am not effective with Bible Study, and that my past prevents me from being used... feeling inadequate is the worse feeling in the world........ what about you?